February 6, 2023
We celebrate this crew! Thank you for all that you do for our students and school community.

February 2, 2023
The LHS art department is launching an art journal, Metamorphosis. Submit your work to be included in the first volume. The call for entry is open to all LHS students in any art m...

January 30, 2023
At the IHSPA Journalism Convention, Magpie won the following Harvey Awards.
Clubs/Organization Coverage: LHS Magpie Staff, 1st Place Feature Writing: Carissa Dawson, 2nd Plac...

January 29, 2023
Reminder: We will be on an adjusted testing schedule Monday through Thursday for WIDA testing. WIDA is a test for English Language proficiency. Those taking WIDA need to report t...

January 27, 2023
Hey, Berries- We are on a 2-hour delay for today, January 27.

January 25, 2023
Logansport High School is now eLearning for today, January 25, 2023- Check Schoology, and attend Google Meet! ⛄️❄️❄️ For more information about eLearning days, visit https://c...

January 23, 2023
Congratulations to these Berries!
Quarter 2
Semester 1

January 16, 2023
Attention seniors on the Academic Honors Diploma. The online application is now open for those seniors applying to become a Distinguished Graduate. The link to apply is here below...

January 12, 2023
If you couldn't attend, we have archived the presentation here. https:// youtu.be/K83D2heL-G8

January 11, 2023
Buy your happy ad for seniors here! The deadline is Feb. 9! https://tinyurl.com/LHSHappyAd

January 9, 2023
Today, we had our ribbon cutting for the newly renovated Logansport Savings Bank Student Union. It will include flexible seating, collaborative spaces, library books, and more! Th...

January 5, 2023
Make the jump from 8th grade to 9th grade easier! Click here for the Freshman Transition page.

January 3, 2023
Attention Class of 2027: Join us for the 8th Grade Transition Night on January 11 at 6 PM!

December 6, 2022
Congratulations to LHS senior Luna Tafolla- Your Cass County Community Foundation Lilly Endowment Community Scholar! #GoBerries

December 3, 2022
Please read the updated information on weather-related eLearning days here!