For more information-

Congratulations to our newest members of the National Honor Society! 🔴⚫️🍓

Logansport High School
Fall Break
October 19-23

Coming next week- The Berry Broadcast!

Congratulations to the LHS Applebee’s Teacher of the Month…PE Teacher, Mrs. Jamee Pomasl! 👏 🔴⚫️🍓#GoBerries

Reminder- Picture Day is Friday, Sept. 4
For picture day payment:
website is inter-state.com/order
Order code is 51181RB

Wow! As we get ready for the start of another school year...In fact, the 150th of Logansport High School- Our Sesquicentennial! This tradition started with our first graduates at the Mesodian Opera House in 1871 with three students- Ann Covalt, Sallie Horn, and Sadie Clendenning.

Congratulations to our Distinguished Graduates and Pillars of the Community! #Classof2020 #GoBerries

Commencement Update:
In working with our local health officials and after meeting with the senior class officers and sponsor, we finalized the specifics for the Logansport High School Commencement. The ceremony is on track for Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 2 PM in the Berry Bowl. Commencement will be streamed live on our YouTube channel at YouTube.com/lhsberries and channel 18 locally.
Graduates will receive four tickets for the ceremony and these will be given at practice on Friday, July 31. Graduates do not count as one of the tickets.
Those families attending the ceremony need to enter the Berry Bowl entrance.
Mandatory masks for those in attendance, including graduates.
To be able to physical distance graduates on the floor, the lower bleachers of the Berry Bowl will not be available. All parents/families will sit in the upper part of the gym and physical distance among families.
We look forward to giving the Class of 2020, our 149th class, the best ceremony in these challenging times.
For any questions, please email jonesm@lcsc.k12.in.us.
Go Berries!

Registration opens Tuesday, July 21! More information about registration and helpful tips will be shared on Tuesday! Questions? Please contact the school your child will be attending or the LCSC Administration Office 574-722-2911.

Questions about school reopening plans? Visit our frequently asked questions page: https://bit.ly/3j8fKik

Prom Update:
In closely monitoring COVID-19 in the State, the Governor’s Executive Orders, CDC guidelines, and in consultation with local health officials, and after much reflection among LCSC administration, we are unfortunately canceling the rescheduled Logansport High School Prom for this year. It would not be in the best interest of health and safety to put the roughly 350 students neither in the cafeteria nor in any space, with minimal social distancing of a school dance. We had hoped prom would come to fruition upon our original reschedule date back in April. Our thoughts go out to our juniors and seniors who had planned to attend.

It's important to ensure your student is up to date on required vaccinations for the 20-21 school year. We're teaming up with Franciscan Health to make this as easy as possible! Learn more about the vaccination clinic happening July 28 at the Berry Bowl: https://bit.ly/2NpDv6C

Catch the latest 1 Berry Lane Podcast- LHS Art Teacher and the 2020 Certified Crystal Berry Award Winner, Mrs. Amy Werner!

You can now stream the LHS Senior Awards- Congratulations to all the winners! #Classof2020🔴⚫️🍓https://youtu.be/IluYZMUKsmA

Hey, Class of 2020- I realize we’d be graduating right now. As we think of you today, here’s a video from this school year. Thank you to the Tattler staff for the pictures and video production done by senior, Matt Foutz. youtu.be/D82cpGaMG4U❤️ 🖤🍓

Congratulations to our Berries! Stream the LHS Berry Awards now on your phone, computer, tablet, YouTube on your TV (search Logansport High School) at ❤️🖤🍓 https://youtu.be/qOS7o7Jty9s

Catch the latest episode of the 1 Berry Lane Podcast- New varsity softball and baseball coaches, Cory Cripe and Dan Frye! We talk about their teams, growing up playing ball in Logansport, John Bingaman's wiffleball pitching skills, and more! https://youtu.be/90T1w0Egwgg

Catch Episode 7 of the 1 Berry Lane Podcast- This week, LHS physics teacher- The Professor - Mr. Andrew Bever. We talk science, COVID, eSports, and more! https://youtu.be/czCOu7QQ4-E

Congratulations to these Berries! Our inaugural Distinguished Graduate program students- They ranked in the top 10% of the class based on academics, service and leadership, and extra/co-curricular activities. #GoBerries