In an unexpected and heartwarming moment at the recent Berry Awards, ISTA Vice-President Jennifer Smith-Margraf presented LHS Chinese teacher Mrs. Chunmei Guan (关春梅) with the prestigious Minority Educator Award. This accolade recognizes her exceptional educational contributions and dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment.
Mrs. Guan, affectionately known as Guan Lǎoshī, has been an integral part of the LHS community. She inspires students with her passion for the Chinese language and culture. Her innovative teaching methods and commitment to student success have significantly impacted our school.
The entire LHS community is thrilled and proud of Mrs. Guan’s achievement. This award is a testament to her hard work, perseverance, and the positive influence she has on her students.
Congratulations, Guan Lǎoshī! Your dedication and excellence in education are truly commendable.